Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with growth, change, and anticipation. Every week brings new developments and milestones as the fetus grows and prepares for life outside the womb. Understanding the stages of development in pregnancy week by week can help expectant parents connect with their growing baby and anticipate the changes that lie ahead. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the fascinating journey of pregnancy, highlighting the key developmental milestones from conception to birth.

Stages of development in pregnancy week by week
Pregnancy is a journey that spans approximately 40 weeks, from the first day of the last menstrual period to the birth of the baby. It’s divided into three trimesters, with each trimester lasting about 12 to 14 weeks. Here’s a brief overview of the development stages in pregnancy, week by week:
First Trimester (Week 1 – Week 12)
- Week 1 & 2: Conception typically occurs about two weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period.
- Week 3: Fertilization occurs, and the fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube toward the uterus.
- Week 4: Implantation happens. The embryo is now called a blastocyst.
- Week 5: The blastocyst develops into an embryo. The heart and circulatory system begin to form.
- Week 6: The heart starts beating. Basic facial features begin to appear.
- Week 7: Brain and face rapidly develop. The embryo has a tail.
- Week 8: Major organs continue to develop. The tail starts to disappear.
- Week 9 to 12: The embryo is now called a fetus. Limbs are long and thin. Fingers and toes are more defined. External genitalia begin to differentiate.
Second Trimester (Week 13 – Week 26)
- Week 13 to 16: Rapid growth occurs. Fine hair called lanugo covers the body. The fetus can suck its thumb, and the urinary system is working.
- Week 17 to 20: The fetus can hear. You might start to feel the fetus moving, known as “quickening.”
- Week 21 to 24: The fetus continues to develop. If born at this time, some babies can survive with intensive care.
- Week 25 to 26: The fetus is responsive to sound. The lungs are not fully developed, but some breathing movements are present.
Third Trimester (Week 27 – Birth)
- Week 27 to 30: Eyes can open and close. The brain is rapidly developing. The fetus gains more fat.
- Week 31 to 34: The fetus continues to grow and develop. Most internal systems are well-developed.
- Week 35 to 37: The fetus is considered early term. It continues to build fat and its organs are almost fully matured.
- Week 38 to 40: The fetus is considered full-term. The lungs are usually the last organs to develop fully. The fetus might move lower into the pelvis, preparing for birth.
This timeline is a general guideline, and individual development can vary. Expectant mothers need to attend all prenatal appointments to monitor the health and development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy.
What are the stages of prenatal development week by week?
Week 1 & 2: Conception and Early Signs
The journey begins with conception, where the sperm and egg unite to form a zygote. During these initial weeks, the body prepares for pregnancy through hormonal changes, though physical signs may not be evident yet.
Week 3 to 8: The First Trimester
The first trimester is crucial for the development of the embryo. By the end of week 4, the embryo has implanted in the uterine wall. During this period, the foundations for all major organs are laid. By week 8, the embryo is now a fetus, with the heart beating steadily, and the beginnings of facial features.
Week 9 to 12: Rapid Growth
During these weeks, the fetus undergoes rapid growth. The limbs are fully formed, and fingers and toes are differentiated. The brain develops at a remarkable pace, and by the end of the first trimester, the fetus can open and close its fists and mouth.
Week 13 to 16: The Second Trimester
The second trimester is often marked by a decrease in pregnancy symptoms for the mother. The fetus continues to grow, and fine details like fingerprints are formed. By week 16, the fetus’s eyes can move, and the skeletal system continues to harden from cartilage to bone.
Week 17 to 20: Feeling Movement
One of the most exciting milestones, the mother may begin to feel the fetus’s movements, known as “quickening.” During this period, the fetus can swallow and hear, and its sleep-wake cycles begin to develop.
Week 21 to 24: Viability
A crucial milestone, by week 24, the fetus reaches the age of viability, meaning it could survive outside the womb with medical intervention. Lung development is a critical focus during these weeks, as the fetus begins to produce surfactant, a substance that helps the lungs expand after birth.
Week 25 to 28: The Third Trimester
Entering the third trimester, the fetus continues to grow in size and weight. The brain develops rapidly, and the fetus begins to open and close its eyes. Preparations for breathing air, gaining fat, and further brain development are key during this period.
Week 29 to 32: Gaining Weight
The fetus gains significant weight during these weeks, preparing for life outside the womb. The bones are fully developed, but still soft and pliable. The fetus also starts to store iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
Week 33 to 36: Final Preparations
The fetus continues to gain weight and the lungs mature further. The fetus begins to shift into the birth position, usually with the head down towards the pelvis.
Week 37 to 40: Ready for Birth
By week 37, the fetus is considered full-term. The final weeks are spent gaining weight and fine-tuning the systems needed for life outside the womb. The fetus drops lower in the mother’s abdomen, preparing for birth.
Birth and Beyond
The culmination of pregnancy is birth, a miraculous event that brings the journey to its peak. The newborn adapts to life outside the womb with amazing resilience, ready to begin its journey in the world.
Pregnancy is a complex, transformative process that varies for every individual. This guide provides a general overview of the stages of development in pregnancy week by week, offering insight into the miraculous journey from conception to birth.
Things to know when you find out you are pregnant
Pregnancy progresses through a series of developmental stages, each crucial for the growth and maturation of the fetus. Here’s a more detailed look at the stages of prenatal development, week by week, highlighting the most important weeks for development, the overall stages of pregnancy in weeks, and the point at which the fetus is considered fully developed.
What are the most important weeks for development pregnancy?
- Weeks 3-8: The embryonic period is crucial as the foundations for all major organ systems are established.
- Week 20: The midpoint of pregnancy, when the fetus’s viability outside the womb begins to be possible with modern medical technology.
- Week 37 onwards: The fetus is considered full term, and its organs are sufficiently developed for life outside the womb.
What are the stages of pregnancy in weeks?
- First Trimester: Week 1 to Week 12
- Second Trimester: Week 13 to Week 26
- Third Trimester: Week 27 to Birth
In which week fetus is fully developed?
- By Week 37, the fetus is considered full term, with all major organs, including the lungs, fully developed. However, the exact timing can vary, and some babies born before Week 37 may also thrive with proper medical care.
Each week of pregnancy brings critical developments, making prenatal care essential to monitor the health and progress of both the mother and the developing fetus.