How to stop baby vomiting? Do you suffer from vomiting in newborn infants? Mothers complain of regurgitation in newborns. Vomiting or vomiting in a newborn infant often is regular and not a cause for concern. It is called scraping.
It’s not uncommon for newborns, and even older babies, to expel some nutrients after feeding.

Vomiting in newborn infants
Vomiting in infants (expulsion of ingested milk) is generally the expulsion of a small amount of milk from the infant’s mouth so as not to be confused with vomiting. During vomiting, everything in the infant’s stomach is forcefully expelled from the mouth.
Infant vomiting is common for newborns in the first three weeks, as some newborns pass some of the food they eat after each feeding, and some infants do not eat it except in very irregular periods. Vomiting is a very worrying thing for most mothers (as most parents have learned not to hold their baby without a diaper on their shoulders, although this is rarely a problem and is considered normal. Usually, when they are seven months and 12 months old, a newborn baby can sit up, or If he can move, the problem would go away.
There is no reason for vomiting and vomiting or the child to expel the foods he eats. This may be due to the incomplete development of the child’s digestive system. Unlike older babies and children or adults, the muscles between a young child’s esophagus and the upper part of the stomach are not yet developed enough to push stomach contents down. Therefore, any movement, even if it is a movement such as putting the infant to bed or due to the reaction of the digestive system, milk comes out during feeding.
The milk coming from the baby’s mouth is usually slightly sour, looks yellow in color, and may contain milk clots. You don’t have to worry about this; the milk that comes from it is in the stage of digestion.
how to avoid baby vomiting after feeding
Sometimes infants vomit the food they eat because of the gas in their stomachs. This is why it is so important to burp your baby after feeding. Even if it takes a while, parents should try to burp their baby after every feed.
Some doctors also recommend that babies sit upright for half an hour after feeding in a high chair, such as a high chair. If you have a child who purifies his food, this problem is likely to persist no matter what you do. As long as your baby is healthy and continues to gain weight, your doctor won’t care; This should also be a minor event for you.
However, vomiting is a cause for concern. A newborn baby vomits a viscous liquid mixed with blood a few hours after birth. This is usually a worry-free event. Because this blood was mixed with vomit because the child swallowed the mother’s bleeding during childbirth, vomiting may also occur after several meals. However, if it persists for longer, it may be due to a blockage or reflux in the esophagus or intestines, which requires further examination.
Vomiting and vomiting may also be milk intolerance or an initial sign of another illness.
How to stop baby vomiting?
Some infants, used to regurgitating their food after feeding, vomit in large quantities at frequent intervals, such as once a day. In this case, you can report the situation to your doctor; However, if the baby appears healthy and continues to gain weight, there is probably no cause for concern. If there is blood or vomit that is green or yellow, the child should see a medical examination immediately, as this could be a sign of a severe illness.
Because vomiting can sometimes be a sign of infection, you should take a body temperature if your child vomits suddenly. Everything is fine if the temperature is average and the child’s behavior is abnormal. If the infant continues to vomit, tell your doctor.
What is the reason for vomiting in newborn babies?
There are many reasons why children vomit. Among these reasons is your baby drinking too much milk, sucking the milk too quickly or slowly, or the baby not being able to latch on to the mother’s nipple and getting air during feeding. The protein in cow’s milk that a nursing mother consumes during the day can pass into breast milk and cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
Your child may vomit because of a food allergy. In such a case, you can consult your doctor and get an idea of how to implement the diet program. Your baby may vomit due to swallowing air during feeding and lack of gas after feeding.
Changing a baby’s diaper after feeding, shaking, or bouncing may cause the baby to vomit. Some metabolic diseases can cause vomiting in children. Colds, crying spells, severe coughing, and stomach problems can cause babies to vomit. Switching to solid food early may also cause infants to vomit.
Frequent vomiting in children
If your baby is frequently vomiting, then this is a serious condition, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible, and if there is an allergy problem, you should pay attention to what the fetus eats and drinks.
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Seven tips against vomiting in newborn infants
- Do not overfeed your child.
- Do not try to feed your baby when he is crying. This causes more air to be swallowed.
- Do not put your baby to bed immediately after feeding or feeding.
- If you must lie down, get support from the reflux bed and keep the baby’s head higher than the body.
- Do not make your baby jump or bounce after feeding.
- Always try to burp your baby during, after, and even before feeding.
- Make sure to stand as upright as possible.
If these solutions do not prevent vomiting and the child continues to vomit frequently, you should consult a doctor.
Treatment of vomiting in infants
If your child continues to vomit despite all your tests, place your child in a side or prone position.
Do not give solid foods until the vomiting is over.
After vomiting, you need to clean the mouth from the inside. You can easily do this with your index finger.
If vomiting is severe and occurs more than three times a day, if there is blood or yellow-green in the vomit, and if you have a fever, cough, or other signs of infection, seek medical advice immediately.
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